mobile internet systems labatory Cork Dogpatch labs BTYS 2020


During my internship at MISL, UCC, having my code reviewed and critiqued by an expert proved to be incredibly helpful. Not only did I learn how to properly style my code for readability, but I also made valuable friendships.


During the Patch Summer Accelerator I worked alongside Jake Feeney to create AerAis, a life buoy that can communicate with a satellite in the event of an emergency

Learn more about AerAis

Bt Young Scientist

Four years ago at BT Young Scientist, I showcased my "zero hardware" iris tracker. I discussed how to use K-Means Clustering to predict screen position. I received the Highly Commended award for my work

Messages between group members Certificate from UCC AerAis V1 Notes

Group Work

This semester's group work in Structured Programming and OOP was both productive and enjoyable. We spent hours discussing, voting, and writing code, allowing for valuable learning experiences in git and source control.

Competitive Programming

I competed in various European competitions thanks to MPT. The coursework was quite simple however the real challenge was competing with your classmates. The announced the Top 10 in the course weekly, so everyone was kept on edge

AI focused project

While researching SAROPS for locating lost people at sea, I discovered accuracy declined with time. Inspired by this, I conceived an image analysis-based drone system. This idea evolved into AerAis.